CARMICHAEL Modular tank
system and tailor-made tank combinations, with widest choice
of in-house tank manufacturing in different kinds of
materials: SST, Polypropylene and GRP.

All Stainless Steel Technology
Standard in all CARMICHAEL superstructures, honey-comb tank design with 360-degree welding technology and laser-cut components to minimize tank
deformation, improve tank quality and prolong tank life.

Polypropylene Technology
Light weight and life-long rust
free design, fabricated by in-house digital cutting,
bending and welding machines. Special
welding technology minimises stress concentration at edges, proven stiffness and

One-Piece GRP Technology
Superior quality and finish,
extreme robust and durable design, exceptional
in-house GRP body manufacturing technology in global, one-piece GRP body up to 20000L or even bigger.